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RE: Beer Tasting - Session IPA ('Evil Twin Citra Sunshine Slacker' by Two Roads Brewing Company)

in #beer8 years ago

I have fond memories of this beer, I remember last year when I took a trip to San Francisco this was the first beer I had there. I'd spent the 14 hrs on the plane from Australia flying overnight for me, due to the international date line you leave in the morning, and arrive about 1 hr before you leave on the same morning, as I had a day to waste and didn't want to to sleep I went to a Wholefoods near my hotel in Haight Astbury, bought some lunch, and a couple of cans of this beer, walked into Golden Gate Park, sat on a bench a quietly drunk it. Of course it was about 5 minutes before some guy wandered over an offered to sell me some weed.... Anyway awesome beer, Citra is a hop that make every beer great


Haha, sounds like a welcoming country!