The second was a fine one, man! Aye, I was happy to be bought back from the brink after the shittyness of the first!
Sadly yeah, when I split up from my first wife the brother didn't take kindly to the fact. We got in a bit of a scuffle one night when he was drink. He tried to your new about five times with no luck because he was pie-eyed and eventually I had to give him a bit of a whack to just stop the nonsense. I feel a bit embarrassed these days thinking about that kind of stramashery!!!
haha :) Well he started it, or at least tried to.
I think I'll pop to the local to see if they have any of this Vanilla hoppy beer left today, it's been going like hot cakes and is rather awesome. Cheers!
Sounds magic, a nice beer makes everything worthwhile. Although not so much the next day sigh