Home Page to the Beermoney Lifestyle Blog

in #beermoney β€’ 7 years ago (edited)
IntroBlogBeermoneyLast Updated: 8/14/2019


Hey everyone and welcome to what is to become my main landing page for this Steemit blog I will be throwing together. The idea of what I am doing is creating a blog, just like I would anywhere else, by using the Steemit platform to do it. That much is obvious because we are all here, right?

Well, what I have been doing is my due diligence and getting acquainted with the markdown system of Steemit. So please bare with me as I stumble my way through finding my flow or footing while I create my content. It will all probably look a mess at first but eventually, everything will come together.

What that means is I will be treating each post like a new page added to my blog. I will implement some kind of menu system so that all the posts can interconnect. You can see an example of this at the top of this page. ↑

I will also figure out the best means in which to display all future page edits. That way everyone has the opportunity to see easily when changes have been made to each page.

I am not a professional writer. I just enjoy discussing topics I happen to know about. I would, however, like to build my skills in content writing. Steemit looks like a good place to do that. I am not sure what my post frequency will be because of my daily life routine but I do plan to create as much content as I can. So there may be some gaps between posts.

The bulk of what I plan to talk about will revolve around Beermoney, Crowdsourcing, and Cryptocurrency. Those topics being what I am currently into the most at the moment. I'll do my best to explain as much as I can about my experiences within each of these areas.


DISCLAIMER: The entire blog which includes content and design is a living documentation. Changes will be made on the fly. So it will be updated as things change or information becomes obsolete. The same with the design of each page and overall outlook of the blog concept. I thank you for your patience.


🌟 The Layout & Concept 🌟

The concept of this blog will be based on passive/semi-passive income, Cryptocurrency, and Crowdsourcing opportunities. These ideas all fall under the umbrella of the Beermoney Lifestyle. You will find all three of these methods of earning income scattered across various Beermoney platforms.

The goal is to converge these methods into one place and give you some insight based on my own personal experiences. I am not a professional by any means but I have done quite a bit of research as well as applying what I've learned on many of these platforms.

With that said there will be some things I discuss that I may only have some knowledge about and may have not actually worked the platform. When this happens I will include as many resource links I can to lead you towards the people who can further your knowledge of the platform.

The layout will be ever changing. For the moment how this homepage is currently designed is an example of the direction I will be headed with the layout of each page. I'm working towards a decently designed concept that makes all that is read easier to digest. Items like gif's or emoji's are just extra flare.

I think it is important to create a functioning menu system right now on this platform. I will be tinkering with how it looks from time to time but for the moment I will be using what you see at the top of the page. The current links are to my Intro post and two blog posts. As I make more content this menu bar will change where it will direct you.

So please check back regularly to see the updates!

πŸ”Ž Research & Knowledge πŸ”Ž

This section contains the few places I frequent for research on the platforms I work with. Also, you will find some tools I have come to use as well. Please note that this is just what I prefer and your needs may be different. I will update this section as things change.

Places of Interest:

A good place for general knowledge and for those who are just starting out. There is always someone on but I recommend you ask questions. Someone is always willing to help.


Another good source for general knowledge but also some more advanced techniques are taught here. I make use of the following subreddits:

Beermoney Global

Tools of the Trade


Here is a short list of the tools I use to work on the MTurk platform. These are non-script related and will be accessed within a web browser tab.

Turker View

This is a Chrome extension for working on the MTurk platform. (Not a script): MTurk Suite

πŸ† How Referral Links Will Work πŸ†

I have this idea in mind for how I want to do my referrals with this blog. Typically people will include just their personal referral when adding their links. Those of us in the Beermoney community have made it a habit to include both a non-referral and referral link.

It will look something like this:
(This is just an example. All will link you directly to steemit.com)

Since there is already a monetizing system built into Steemit I have zero issues with no one ever clicking referral links. Feel free to always click the non-referral link instead. You always can give an upvote or no upvote, it's all up to you! There is no obligation and I will never be offended.


🍺 πŸ€‘ 🍻

As mentioned this homepage is a basic landing page and directory to the rest of my blog concept. If you have any comments or just want to shoot the breeze respond below. If you like what you have read or seen give this a resteem.

Follow me at @jrw254 for updates and new posts.

All suggestions and constructive criticism welcomed.

Good luck!

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