Beer of the Day - Fertile Soil

in #beeroftheday6 years ago

Fertile Soil

Fertile Soil is a hoppy unfiltered, Belgian-American style ale, brewed with all Colorado ingredients.

North American Origin AlesGolden or Blonde Ale515

Our Thoughts

Today we have "Fertile Soil" which is a Golden or Blonde Ale that could be compared to a Semi Light Scottish Ale. With an ABV of 5 this beer sits just under the average. This is a beer for those who are tired of light lagers and want something with a little bit of a kick. You will still find a nice crisp taste but a higher IBU profile makes for a great drink.

Golden or Blonde Ale

Golden or Blonde ales are straw to golden blonde in color. They have a crisp, dry palate, light to medium body, and light malt sweetness. Low to medium hop aroma may be present but does not dominate. Bitterness is low to medium. Fruity esters may be perceived but do not predominate. Diacetyl should not be perceived. Chill haze should be absent.

What does ABV/IBU mean?

ABV stands for Alcohol By Volume and is listed as a percentage and lets you know how much of your beer is alcohol and how much is other stuff.

stands for International Bitterness Units measures the bitterness from hops in a beer on a scale of 0 to 100.

Beer Fact of the Day

In 1963, Albert Heineken created a beer bottle that could also be used as a brick to build sustainable housing in impoverished countries.nn httpssteemengine.netusersbeercraftbeerbrick.jpg

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