
Yeah I remember. Do you think that could have possibly been a flat/bad bottle? I recently had that happen to me with a local brew. I really do like this one and I would imagine that we both have similar tastes in beer.

yes there is a good chance it was bad, I had received this in a shipment from a guy I met online in North Dakota and several others in the shipment were bad, one was terrible but I also read the some reviews and others said they had back beers in the same 4 pack as good beers. but I was generally disappointed in most of the beers he sent me and I should have loved them all.

Ive started doing a series of Beer Run ratings, and I will be doing the 9 beers he sent me tomorrow. Have you seen those posts?

I have not. I’ve been pretty busy with work and haven’t been active on steemit until today. Is it on your blog?

Yeah on my blog