Toña - Bier aus Nicaragua | Cerveza de Nicaragua | Beer from Nicaragua
Ich war mal wieder in meinem Lieblingsmarkt stöbern. Und was entdeckte ich da? Ein Bier aus Nicaragua.
I was browse again in my favorite market. And what did I discover there? A beer from Nicaragua.
Estaba revisando de nuevo en mi mercado favorito. ¿Y qué descubrí allí? Una cerveza de Nicaragua.
Anmerkungen? Neidfragen?
Remarks? Neiding questions?
Observaciones? Preguntas de envidia?
Prost! lovely to see this delicious beer from our fellow Central American country <3 I wonder if you can find Famosa from Guatemala there?
Nada es imposible.
I've never had beer from Nicaragua - these look like they quenched your thirst nicely.