Hey, sorry I'm so slow to respond. It is probably too late for my comments to help. Typically when I have too much beer or not enough space, I will underpitch my yeast and once I know it is fermenting, I will keep it colder than normal so I don't blow the top off.
My sells on crypto are usually at X2+ so nothing of mine sold yesterday. I just bought 40K dogecoin at .something65. I always thought it was a joke and apparently so did the creator. The market appears to think differently with a $2B market cap. Some people think it is going to hit $1. I think I'll sell half at $.025
No problem mate
I ended up brewing up another 500g or malt with some citra hops to add a little more fruit to the brew and increase the sugars. It’s started to ferment now so we’ll see what comes of this brew. :)
Cool! What did you brew?
If you've got too much wort, you can always just boil it down before adding the first hops until you get to the volume you want to have but you might end up with a stronger beer than you originally intended (and that might change some of your other calculations, like required bitterness- though I just right brain all that shit anyways). If you DO end up with too much finished beer, you can consider ADDING more water to divide it into two weaker batches if the original beer was strong enough. I'll often do this on purpose to get 3 batches where my boil vessel will only hold 2. For many dark styles, you can bump up the gravity with some brown sugar or something similar. If you are doing a Belgian, some white sugar is in line with the style (invert if you want to get fancy). Honey can likely work in most other instances, though that will drastically change the character of the beer. Another option would be fruit juice. I know someone who does an apple/hoppy belgian thing on purpose all the time. I haven't had it but I bet it is good. It sounds good.
I’m making an American pale so added some light malt with the citra hops. Fermentation kicked off today so we’ll see what we end up with soon. :)
Nice. Extract? If not, what was the malt bill? Yeast?
Yeah it was malt extract. I didn't add extra yeast as the home-brew shop owners didn't think it would be needed.
It's fermenting away at the moment. I suspect it might take a while given the amount of liquid.
I mean to ask what kind of yeast? Often I think people will use US-05 which is a solid, clean yeast that is tough to mess up with. I'll use it for my IPAs.
Oh I see, it's a US West Coast Yeast - M44.
I'm not at all familiar with the types of yeast yet so very much reliant on the guys at the home-brew shop where I get my stuff from.