The gang of Refined Fool Brewing mush be constantly high to come up with such concept (and to not forget most of it along the haul from the original idea to the final product). On the other hand, the beers seem to be quite a roulette :))
The gang of Refined Fool Brewing mush be constantly high to come up with such concept (and to not forget most of it along the haul from the original idea to the final product). On the other hand, the beers seem to be quite a roulette :))
While I do love the vibrant and colourful labels that will help their product stand out on a very crowded shelf, my marketing hat fits a little tight sometimes when considering the branding. Maybe goofy is good enough but all beer is beer and the only reason you choose one or the other is marketing.
Either way, not bad beer and bet their moms think they are clever ;)