
I've started going for higher quality beers as I drink less and less.
The steem casinos are definitely not for everyone. I just enjoy chatting with a few of the regulars there.

Howdy tonight sir abitcoinskeptic! Did you used to drink alot? Most of us did until we hit our 40's and then it's so easy to pack on the weight!

I definitely drank more than I do now. I guess I'm slowing down. I prefer it to a cliff. However, I definitely see how it affects the waistline more and more as I age. I used to be able to go to a buffet once a week without issue. Now I just tell people no when they ask and would never consider large sized orders anymore. It's more quality over quantity I guess. Glad I have that luxury.

howdy today sir abitcoinskeptic! yes I'm glad I have that luxury as well, very thankful!