Burlington Beer’s Citra single hop IPA

in #beersaturday7 years ago

My favorite hop

I love Citra hops, and this offering from one of my favorite breweries, Burlington Beer Company (VT) hits all the notes for me.

Like many of their labels, this has been redesigned. The can sports a mostly-clear label revealing the silver shine of the aluminum can. It features a white and red inverted hop cone. 
It’s a moderate 5.7 abv.
Burlington Beer Company’s brews have a large amount of sediment, so I like to gently invert the 16 ounce can several times before opening. I don’t want to leave any of that dank goodness on the bottom.
It pours with a generous off-white head that recedes fairy quickly leaving slight lacing. The beer is totally opaque as a New England IPA should be.

The nose reveals grapefruit and a slightly tropical sweetness.
Its taste follows with some dank grassiness. 
I kissed my wife after a taste, and she asked where I was hiding the grapefruit. 
The mouthfeel is full and smooth.

A strong bitterness linger after, leaving me wanting another sip.
A glance at the bottom of the glass reveals a small pile of sediment. Apparently, I didn’t drink this quickly enough.
Will try harder with the next one!


Very good post @webbie! I found you from the terrific @johndoer123 and happy to come by and say "hi" and give you a welcome here! I love beer and this looks like it one that would be quite tasty indeed! :)

Welcome to steemit!

Nice review @webbie and an IPA too!! The best of the beers in my opinion... Looks like you enjoyed it 🍻

Christ that is full of sediment, but I have must agree that Citra is a fantastic hop, so fruity and so versatile.

Your wife asked you where the grapefruit is? Lol 😁 Nicely done review @webbie!