Beer of Infinite Density

in #beersaturday7 years ago

Nothing matches a good thick stout in the midst of winter.


My favourite local offering this time year is again from Driftwood Brewery out of Victoria BC Canada. Singularity Russian Imperial Stout. Clocking in at 12%abv this year (Other years have been as high as 14.6%!) this boozy offering warms the cockles. Singularity has been conditioned for 2 months in authentic Kentucky bourbon barrels. This aging process adds warming notes of bourbon and oak that push this Russian Imperial Stout.


Big rich coffee and chocolate flavours add to the strong bourbon as well as vanilla and dried fruit flavours. Amazing fresh as well as cellared, I try to always have a few on hand aging away.


Pale, Chocolate, Roast Barley, Cararoma
If you're from the area get your hands on one if you can, they sell out quick!
Cheers, everyone!


I love stouts this one seems like I would really enjoy it happily upvoted.

So much blackness - I love it

As dark and heavy as they come. In the best way possible!

I think I'm going to have to take another trip to Canada now. You really did make it sound wonderful.

Might be worth it just for this!

Looks delicious. I’m a BBA and Imperial stout fanatic. Currently, my favorite stout is Founder Canadian Breakfast Stout.

Yeah pretty much anything with Bourbon is great! Unfortunately even though the name has our country in it, that isn't an easy beer to get your hands on up here in Canada. Sounds amazing though! I can't see having a lil' hint of maple hurting anything!

Real nice looking dark beer, I however don't see a head, would have make it look even better

You are correct. The head was not drastic on this one, and dissipated fairly quick. By the time i fumble around with my camera, I often miss it. My bad.