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RE: #Beersaturday On Red Light District! Hivefest 2022

in #beersaturday2 years ago

Hello Señorita @queengaga ! 😊

It surely was a unique experience, not only for those precious nectar drinks that we had, but mostly for the more precious an unique company that I had in that nigh!
For sure one of the most "iconique" and exquisite experience that I had in Amsterdam night... Among some others.. LOL off course!
It was a very good surprise to have your post to read when I got home and checked for new notifications on Hive. Here, in this community, our fears are somehow minimized by the warmth welcome and acceptance of others!
Please keep posting. Now that I've know one or two things about you, I wanna read and see some of the photographs that you might be doing back home...What a pleasure to read this great post about the special #BeerSaturday in the HiveFest7!

Ps: My favorite one was the Triple "Manke Monnik" (If @soyrosa was "here" she will make me say it with the correct pronunciation... LOL)

See you soon!


You wrote it perfectly :D Hahaha! Shame I can't hear you pronounce it wrong right now ;-)