Preparing BeeSwap whitepaper 2.0

in #beeswaplast year

Changes in BXT distribution.

Distribution of BXT to pools didn't really work, it have marginal effect, most of the liquidity on engine is provided by aggroed anyway. That's why we remove BXT rewards for alternative pools and leave only BXT pool for rewards. Inflation for some time will be cut, then we will try to bring rewards back in different form for different activities on the platform.

Distribution after cutting out alternative pools:

BXT pool 20bxt
Liquidity providers 10bxt
Community fund 5bxt

Next, distribution after simple governance, 100 BXT total, options:
BXT pool
Convert rewards(staked for using convert)
BXT burn
liquidity providers

Max 40% on single option, then we can also add options to improve experience, for example bids on NFTs market or we can try again with alternative pool and additional voting between few pools, would prefer small local projects where we can make some impact instead of external coins
Was also thinking about rewarding engine nodes, not sure if few BXT daily will change anything for node operators

There is already simple solution for convert rewards, staked BXT to users who deposit hive above 100 and above 1000.


Thank you for this update!

If it was your own BXT tokens, in which manner would you invest them? In staking them? In providing liquidity for the SWAP.HIVE:BXT pool? A combination of both?

Good afternoon. I can't log into discord. I transferred funds to, but did not receive them in the hive, please check.