When & Where to Plant Begonias
Light: Begonias are classic shade-lovers that are only reliable perennials in zones 9 and 10. Most are grown as annuals in all other zones. Some newer varieties can tolerate direct sun, especially if it's morning sun. In cooler areas, begonias can tolerate more sun than in hot climates. Most like bright, dappled light to grow their best.
Soil: Begonias grow best in light, fertile, well-drained soil. Begonias are very susceptible to root and stem rot when exposed to cold, wet soils, so proper drainage is essential.
Spacing: Plant begonias 8 to 12 inches apart if growing wax begonia types in garden beds. Tuberous begonias grow from tubers that should be spaced about 1 foot apart.
Planting: Plant begonias for the garden in spring after danger of frost has passed. Begonias are very sensitive to frost and cold, wet weather, so don't hurry to plant them outdoors. Even temperatures below 50F can damage young begonias depending on the type you're growing.
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