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RE: Behind The Photo contest - Edition #9

in #behindthephoto5 years ago

"Top Pending Payout Post". After I made my post, I mean right after posting it I of course re-loaded my feed to see what had been going on while I was busy and there was the Intro/Moving Post. I do like to take pictures, so even if I miss this week, I will be around to participate in posting, viewing, voting, and sometimes commenting.I had just made a small picture post about trying to see Comet Atlas, Before starting the post I did a tag search on hive for #behindthephoto and there was only the four, (I think it was four), post of

Oh and if you need an account token to create a community page let me know and I will try to figure out how to create the account and get you the keys, I will not however be able to do any account recovery stuff.


Ah yes, unfortunately the spammy "busybody" bot has made the transfer to this chain as well.

Whenever you post, be it for this edition (still plenty of time) or one of the next editions, we'll be reading. :-)

We won't be making a community purely for this contest, that would be slight overkill I think. We'll continue using the GEMS community. However thank you very much for your kind offer!

Okay I did not realize you are an offshoot sort of of the GEMS community. Good to know. I have been trying to rotate through a few of the communities with my postings to show a little support for the community system.