Am I the man I wanted to be ?

in #being3 years ago

Today I was just remembering what happened a few nights ago and i've realized like there's alot of local people that are intimidated by me as a whole person and just look for reasons to validate it. So I checked myself to see whats changed between me now and back a few years and yes i can see the change. I'm no longer a mr. nice guy or yes man and my confidence its at its highest and some people hate that.

As a kid i always wanted to be stronger, faster and smarter that was always the goal. My father didn't talk to me so I had to shape my own path of being a man despite my size and always being told i was doing the wrong thing. For a long time I believed i had a problem and tried to be a nicer person until i watched my uncles. Even if I'm not around them or grown up with them they share the exact behaviors and will as me.

So am I the man i wanted to be , yes I'm getting there and i just need to let nature take its course instead of tip toeing through this soft world. Some people not gona like it but this is just me and i feel more comfortable in my skin.

Anyways thanks for taking your time to read this bit of a rant, I really felt like i needed to share that stuff. As a man not understanding your ownself can lead fighting with oneself which makes its more difficult to understand your likes and your wants.