Great post! I have thought a lot about the same things and have come up with my own beliefs about beliefs. Actually it’s more of a hypothesis based on Richard Dawkins’ ideas about memes and as much scientific evidence as I can find to back it up. You might find my blog interesting if you get a chance to check it out.
Thanks again for the great post!
@rethinkingbelief Thanks for coming over to read my thoughts on belief too. I checked out your blog and it is very interesting. I've followed to make sure I keep up with what's going on in your head. :)
Thanks for checking out my blog. I’ll try to keep it interesting, just know that there’s some unusual stuff going on in my head so be careful. :) Thanks for the follow!
Hahaha -- unusual -- even better. I like deviations from the norm. I'll keep my eyes open. Merry Crimbo :)