You have made me cry.(Happy tears.) this is the second time I'm had to stop to dry my eyes after reading a comment before I could go on. You make my heart overflow with happiness. For you to say such sweet words about me is unbelievable. I'm pretty sure I've never even seen you around here before. So please forgive me but I'm a little surprised at such kind words from someone the first time we met. I also saw you have already followed me. Thank you so much for that also. That truly means a lot. Everybody's support and inspirational words keep me going. That really means a lot. Everybody's support and inspirational words keep me going. If it wasn't for you and everyone else here that has been so supportive, I would have gave up at the start. Do you mind if I ask how you came across me? And do you have any family, like kids or a husband or siblings? But it's good to see a response that involves a belief and people and Humanity. You make me think, if we all have faith and our creator, and nobody has faith in one another we're still not going to get too far. I think that people who have put their faith in humanity and have been hurt and hold a grudge, forget that humans are not our creator, and that we are flawed. Thank you again for everything. After I get done getting back with everybody who has contacted me today, I will stop by and check out your place. I hope that I will continue to see you around and that you don't change. And until we see each other again I send you and all of yours all of my love. And may our creator bless yous.
And your English is very good!☺
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