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RE: Reality Check: Trump Did Not Make It Easier for Severely Mentally Ill People To Buy Guns

in #benswann7 years ago

You do make it easier by disarming people and giving the criminals the superior armament almost by default. What sense does it make to limit guns if guns aren't the problem, and true that criminals will commit their deeds either way, why are we trying to mitigate the symptom again when the root cause is making things such as property rights and inherent nature of the state towards it's sovereign people completely trivialized and meaningless. People will act more unjustly the more and more society is unjust to them, inherently, overtly, and covertly. More tyranny is not going to make the recipe of tyranny taste any different.

Taking guns away doesn't take the criminal motive of criminalizing everything under the sun and running false flags every other week from the FBI and the CIA, what happened before columbine, we've had 20 years of school shootings started with one that had been FBI tainted and preceding to numerous ones, didn't that sandy hook principal die at boston bombing also? nobody noticed that lolol.

This is far from funne but still.


How is limiting you from buying a gun trivialise your property rights? Your property rights are defined by law.
Its true that taking away guns doesn't take away the criminal intent but not doing anything doesn't either.
If limiting the sale of firearms lowers the occurrence of mass killings then you have to ask yourself whether your right to buy guns is more important than stopping mass shootings and gun crime in general.