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RE: Reality Check: Internet Purge of Dissenting Voices?

in #benswann7 years ago

YouTube / Google / Facebook will do whatever they want.
They're all part of the antiquated centralized, hierarchical, paradigm of controlling trust. As the dinosaurs continue to shut out dissenting voices to their heart's content, at their own peril, their sycophant zombies will continue to feed upon the politically correct version of reality, at their own peril.

Meanwhile, this sort of censorship acts as a springboard for displacing technologies such as Blockchain based social media tools like and steemconnect to establish themselves as THE CENSORSHIP PROOF platforms of the future starting NOW.

These new tools have a 180 opposite model of trust, Horizontal and Decentralized vs Hierarchical and Centralized, based upon math and not human ego. It's all about decentralizing trust and spreading the power out to everyone, taking full advantage of network theory []. It's precisely what made the internet possible. No longer will just an elite few have complete power and control to manipulate who, what, when, where, why, and how you should think.