I occasionally would write a post about Ben Swann as he is perhaps one of my favorite television journalists. For those of you that don't know about him he made numerous documentaries and challenged many powerful people and entities. He even challenged Big Pharma with some impressive documentaries. He interviewed Obama and asked some tough questions.
His name was known as "Reality Check". He started with a FOX station at a local level and was doing some hard hitting stories. He then launched truthinmedia.com which had a lot of documentary series funded by kickstarter and other fund raising. It also had many other stories. He then went with a different non-Fox local station in Atlanta, Georgia and he kept doing his Reality Checks. I would actually share those on posts here on steemit at times because they were so good.
In January he did a 6 minute Reality Check on Pizzagate. He didn't say it was real or not real. He went over in detail the FBIs own pedophillia symbology and the things they look for. He showed the reason people were pointing out those pizza places such as Comet Pizza. At the end he said there seemed enough information to warrant an investigation. Why was he saying that? They were saying it was not true without actually doing any form of investigation. Yet from the FBIs own documentation there was enough that warranted an investigation.
Within a week he was pulled. He said he was going to go dark, but to trust him. Then when it happened truthinmedia.com and all of its media was GONE behind a login prompt. All of his youtube channels of his own were gone. His facebook was deleted. His twitter was deleted.
The big thing here. Considering all of the things he had covered for years, what was it about Pizzagate where he made no actual accusation which was so bad that they needed to purge him from the internet.
For awhile I was concerned he might have been killed. I've since heard he is still active, but he doesn't appear to be doing any documentaries.
I did go and check to see if there was any new news regarding Ben as I haven't checked in a few months and I found this:
So some of his documentaries are available. I recommend if you haven't seen them that you watch them all while you have a chance. No telling if these two will disappear.
For sure I'm gonna watch his show.
That's the problem... he was highly prolific. Then they censored him and he hasn't produced ANYTHING to watch since then as far as I can tell. He was super prolific, and now he is silent.
The fact it appeared on Amazon Prime was interesting though, but that is all older material. I wish he'd get back at it. I'm seriously wondering what was done to him or his family to get him to be so quiet.
sorry but I'm just so excited.
I had been watching Ben before he left YouTube to go to the Atlanta station he was fired from for the Pizzagate story. He's back on Youtube, but I found out about this platform through his NEW videos on YT. This is my first post on SteemIt.
Welcome aboard, Y'all!
Thanks for the links. I always liked watching Ben Swann's Reality Checks.
Really nice intro, worthy post
impressive documentary by benswann
thank's for sharing...
But he is still AWOL, right?
Thanks for the update and I hope he is well.
I can't find much in the way of activity. Last time I looked I found some local broadcast that was POST censor for his area... just normal local news anchor stuff. Yet, even that is tough to find.
The whole Ben Swann thing is a really interesting story. I'm really hoping he's alright...
Me too. He is a great journalist. I really miss seeing new stories from him.
Kind of freaky that you can work hard to tell the truth to only be shut out. Where will the truth come from if not from people like Ben. Our society is certainly doomed if we have to rely on the garbage media and news/propaganda.
Thanks for sharing and introducing Ben.
Nice Post, ty!
The person in this video is a good gournalist