no doubt there'll always be a black market for guns - but making it harder to get guns will reduce the amount of times that guns are used by the wrong people - it is just logic.
yes there's other issues at play, but guns are the low hanging fruit - get rid of them and you save lives.
America's issue isn't just the existence of guns - it's the fact that guns have become such an integral part for much of the society. The society is sick - very sick - and taking guns away from sick people is the only logical thing to do.
In Australia it costs $30,000 to buy an AR15 style weapon on the black market. In the Us it costs about $1,000 or less. Do the maths. How many school kids and petty criminals have $30k to invest in a weapon. Not many.
yeah but how much does it cost in the US if you don't even need to go on the blackmarket? half of the time when you have these school shootings these kids are going in with an arsenal of weaponry that would suit a small army.
That's pretty much not possible in Australia.