Day 17 at sea and still signing blocks at sea, international water, jurisdiction NONE!!
Did you know that the Godfather of Bitshares, Stan Larimer and Michael Taggart will appear this Sunday, May 5th on the biggest EOS DAPPathon showcasing BEOS. For more information, click here.
Bora Bora - A few more snorkeling pictures I wanted to share with you. I had to slow down the speed a lot on the gif's as the sharks, stingray, and fish are very fast. NO ONE wants to be the lunch of the day!

For a better understanding of BEOS at Sea, see Stan Larimer's post here
I hope you enjoyed my post, and I look forward to sharing BEOS at SEA daily with you, which is a perfect cruise for many days of "International Water"..."Jurisdiction, NONE"!!
Cool gifs! What camera did you use to take those? That first photo looks familiar... Was that fish looking for a little clownfish named Nemo, by chance?
The way stingrays move reminds me of a bird or something. They're cool to watch, but I wouldn't want to get into an altercation with one!
Thanks! It's my iPhone live photo and the app called Lively that I used to make the gifs. The photos didn't turn out in Moorea because I had the phone in an expensive waterproof bag (like a fancy ziplock bag) and it made the photos all really blurry. I learned how to stop the blur for the next day.
Too funny, I ALWAYS look for Nemo when in the water, lol
Even when the those big 4' wide stingrays are bunting up against you they move like that. They have such angry eyes that I love, but I'm with you, I wouldn't want to piss one of them off!
Good morning, i like very much the gif.
Thank you! I wasn't sure if people would like the gifs :) I thought they were cool looking so I thought why not :)
I love watching those rays flapping their wings... :)

So glad you enjoyed that. You've got me thinking about that rebreather lol.
When we hit Maui, I had planned on snorkling at the black rock, but if I can find a rebreather... :)
Good luck! Let me know if you locate one. I have no idea if they are generally available. My recollection from reading about them is that it is a fairly esoteric technology, military use, etc... but it has been many years since I've looked into the subject.
I will let you know. I'm the same as you that I had looked into them years ago and they were very expensive.
So, I finally couldn't resist and took a peek... Found this:
Apparently these are off-the-shelf commercial products these days, priced within the realm that "mere mortals" could afford if serious about things. :)
Here's another one:
The silent, bubble-free aspect is *really appealing...
And then this:
Wow! Now I can't wait for BEOS to moon, I think I'll need one of these... :D
Lol, I don't think the price has changed all these years! Agreed that it's really appealing :) but I'll stick to my snorkel gear I brought! Thanks for checking into it and the links!!