– Hasil final Piala FA yang mempertemukan Chelsea vs Manchester United, Minggu dinihari, usai dengan skor 1-0. Satu-satunya gol dicetak Eden Hazard melalui titik penalti pula.
Gol satu-satunya pada pertandingan yang terselenggara di Stadion Wembley ini terjadi menit 22 dari titik penalti oleh Eden Hazard. Sesaat sebelumnya Phil Jones melanggar sang pemain Belgia di dalam kotak penalti dan sang pemain Inggris hanya terkena kartu kuning oleh wasit Michael Oliver.
Sempat terjadi kericuhan karena para pemain Chelsea menuntut pemain Inggris itu diganjar kartu merah. Hazard sedang dalam proses mencetak gol jika tidak dilanggar, jadi mengapa cuma kartu kuning. The Red Devils sungguh beruntung masih memiliki 11 pemain di atas lapangan.
Lihat sendiri cuplikan videonya di bawah ini, benarkah ada updaya Jones untuk merebut bola dan bukan mengincar kaki Hazard:
Adegan ketika Eden Hazard jatuh dilanggar Phil Jones di dalam kotak penalti, pada final Piala FA, Minggu dinihari.
Alasan pemberian kuning, bukan merah
Bagi Anda yang bertanya-tanya tentang hukuman penalti yang diterima Phil Jones dan mengapa dia hanya kena kartu kuning bukan merah, buku aturan FA mengatakan: “Di mana seorang pemain melakukan pelanggaran terhadap lawan dalam area penalti mereka sendiri, menyangkal lawan dengan peluang jelas mencetak gol dan wasit menghadiahkan tendangan penalti, pemain yang terlibat itu diperingatkan jika pelanggaran itu adalah dalam upaya untuk merebut bola.”
Jadi, wasit Michael Oliver menganggap bahwa Jones melakukan ‘upaya untuk merebut bola’, bukan dengan sengaja menjatuhkan Hazard, maka warna kartu yang dikibaskan itu berwarna kuning dan bukan merah.
Laporan sebelum gol tadi
Menit 10 sebenarnya peluang pertama sudah terjadi bagi The Blues, namun serangan oleh Hazard berhasil ditepis oleh David De Gea dengan kakinya di dekat tiang dekat. Menit 14 ada teriakan minta penalti dari kubu tim London setelah Matic terjatuh bersama Tiemoue Bakayoko. Menit 16 giliran United yang berteriak minta penalti setelah Sanchez terjatuh bersama Victor Moses di tepi kotak. Lihat fans tim London merasa “Silau, man!” di sisi timur Wembley. Foto yang lucu.
Fans Chelsea berdiri di sudut tribun yang salah pada FInal Piala FA melawan Manchester United, Minggu sore waktu London.
Menit 40 Hazard di sini, Hazard di sana. Sang pemain Belgia benar-benar bikin repot pertahanan Setan Merah dengan posisi dan pergerakannya. Tak lama kemudian babak pertama usai. United akan merasa sangat kecewa dengan cara mereka kebobolan satu-satunya gol sejauh ini, dan bagaimana mereka terus gagal menembus garis pertahanan Chelsea. Para pemain belakang Setan Merah terlihat panik setiap kali Eden Hazard mendapatkan bola dan itu terlihat jelas dalam cara Phil Jones mencoba menghentikan bola menit 22 tadi.
Laporan babak kedua
Menit 47 Phil Jones tergeletak setelah satu perebutan bola dengan Olivier Giruoud. Menit 51 terjadi satu perebutan bola dengan Chris Smalling dan kini Hazard punya peran ganda sebagai aktor drama, pura-pura kesakitan terhantam tangan Smalling. Menyebalkan lihat akting si pemain Belgia itu.
Eden Hazar menjerit kesakitan setelah sabetan tangan Chris Smalling mengenai mukanya pada menit 53 final Piala FA, Minggu dinihari.
Menit 53 satu freekick Marcus Rashford berhasil diblokir kiper Thibaut Courtois. Hal yang sama terjadi sekitar 10 menit kemudian. Menit 63 sebenarnya Alexis Sanchez berhasil menggetarkan jala gawang lawan tapi dianulir wasit. Keputusan itu diambilnya setelah Michael Oliver melihat rekaman VAR (video asisten wasit). Tak ada gol lagi setelah itu.
Setelah injury time beberapa menit, wasit Michael Oliver akhirnya meniup peluit panjang. Hasil Chelsea vs Manchester United ditutup dengan skor akhir 1-0.
Susunan pemain Chelsea vs Manchester United :
Chelsea: Courtois, Azpilicueta, Cahill, Rudiger, Moses, Fabregas, Kante, Bakayoko, Alonso, Hazard, Giroud. Cadangan: Caballero, Barkley, Morata, Pedro, Zappacosta, Willian, Chalobah.
Manchester United: de Gea, Valencia, Smalling, Jones, Young, Herrera, Matic, Pogba, Lingard, Rashford, Sanchez. Cadangan: Bailly, Mata, Lukaku, Martial, Romero, Darmian, McTominay. - FA Cup final results that bring Chelsea vs Manchester United, Sunday morning, after the score 1-0. Eden Hazard scored the only goal through the penalty spot as well. The only goal in the match that was held at Wembley Stadium was a 22nd minute from the penalty spot by Eden Hazard. A moment earlier Phil Jones broke the Belgian in the penalty box and the England player was only hit by a yellow card by referee Michael Oliver. Had a riot because the players Chelsea demanded the England player was rewarded a red card. Hazard is in the process of scoring if it is not broken, so why just a yellow card. The Red Devils are lucky to still have 11 players on the pitch. See for yourself the video trailer below, is there any upensive Jones to seize the ball instead of targeting the foot Hazard: The scene when Eden Hazard fell violated Phil Jones in the penalty box, in the FA Cup final on Sunday morning. The reason for giving yellow instead of red For those of you who are wondering about Phil Jones's penalty penalty and why he only got a yellow card instead of red, the FA rules book says: "Where a player commits a foul on an opponent in their own penalty area, opponents with clear-cut chances and the referee awarded a penalty kick, the player involved was warned if the offense was in an attempt to snatch the ball. "So referee Michael Oliver considers that Jones made an 'attempt to snatch the ball' instead of deliberately dropping Hazard, then the color of the flicked card is yellow and not red. The report before the goal was 10 minutes is actually the first chance already happened for the Blues, but the attack by Hazard was successfully denied by David De Gea with his feet near the near post. On the 14th minute there was a shout for a penalty from the London team after Matic fell with Tiemoue Bakayoko. 16th minute United's turn shouted for a penalty after Sanchez fell with Victor Moses on the edge of the box. See London team fans feel "Glare, man!" On the east side of Wembley. Funny photos. Chelsea fans stood in the wrong corner of the standings in FA Cup Final against Manchester United, Sunday afternoon London time. Minute 40 Hazard here, Hazard over there. The Belgian players really bother the Red Devils defense with the position and movement. Soon the first half was over. United will be very disappointed with how they conceded the only goal so far, and how they continue to fail to break through Chelsea's defense line. The Red Devils defender looks panicky every time Eden Hazard gets the ball and it's clear in the way Phil Jones tries to stop the ball 22 minutes earlier. The second-half report of 47th minute Phil Jones lies after a scramble with Olivier Giruoud. The 51st minute takes a scramble with Chris Smalling and now Hazard has a double role as a drama actor, pretending to hurt in the hands of Smalling. It sucks to see the Belgian player's acting. Eden Hazar screamed in pain after Chris Smalling's handcuffs about his face in the 53rd FA Cup final on Sunday. 53 minutes one freekick Marcus Rashford successfully blocked goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois. The same thing happened about 10 minutes later. 63 minutes Alexis Sanchez actually managed to thrill the opponent's goal nets but disallowed the referee. The decision was taken after Michael Oliver saw the recording of VAR (video assistant referee). No more goals after that. After a few minutes injury time, referee Michael Oliver finally blew his long whistle. Results vs Chelsea vs Manchester United closed with the final score 1-0. The composition of Chelsea vs Manchester United players: Chelsea: Courtois, Azpilicueta, Cahill, Rudiger, Moses, Fabregas, Kante, Bakayoko, Alonso, Hazard, Gir
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