My book 📖

in #berlinlast year


Good evening my hearts. My cold is now so bad that I had to stay at home. I'm not taking any risks of spreading it or infecting someone with my monkey. However, I was productive and continued writing my second book. I will publish it at the end of August. Have you already written a book? Or are you dreaming of one?

Ciao Kakao
Morticia 🤧


Guten Abend meine Herzen. Erkältung ist nun so schlimm das ich zu Hause bleiben musste. Ich gehe kein Risiko ein es zu verschleppen oder jemanden mein Äffchen anzustecken. Ich war jedoch Produktiv und habe an meinem zweiten Buch weiter geschrieben. Dieses werde ich Ende August veröffentlichen. Habt ihr schon ein Buch geschrieben? oder träumt davon?

Ciao Kakao
Morticia 🤧


You're writing your second book? Where can we find your first book? On what topic is your first book?

It's a long way from being a finished product, but the daily zapfic serial I've been publishing at InLeo is my first draft at a novel I want to publish. Since I didn't have it fully thought out for traditional long form writing, I decided to tease it out of my head 240 characters at a time using LeoThreads at InLeo. Besides the actual text, I'm also publishing posts about the writing process, partly as a way to help me advance the writing, and partly to give readers a behind-the-scenes look at what I've been up to.

To make it easier to locate this content, I published a post to serve as a way to navigate through it. It's at my profile page both as a web site link and as a sticky post in my profile page. Given where the story is now, one way to read it is to access content at links in the section titled "GHAWG, Uninterrupted" through Act 6; since Act 7 is in progress, read the Weekly Summary posts beginning with zapfic entries 328-340 (2024-January-14 through 2024-January-26).

Once the zapfic serial ends, I will port it to the more expected long form style. I will publish everything first at InLeo so that it gets recorded to Hive blockchain, and later (after I know what I'm doing) I will republish at Substack (title and account name remain TBD).

Once I complete this process for the 1st zapfic serial, I will repeat this process for the 2nd and 3rd zapfic serials.