Better to Bern out

in #bernie7 years ago


Big news!

Anyone who cares about Bernie Sanders even a little, listen here: You gotta watch the Jimmy Dore show.  

He's primarily a commentator on politics, a working class guy, although quite clever, but he also does interviews.  In the past few months his (in)famous show has gotten bigger and bigger people to appear, they just had Dr. Jill Stein, which is a series of interviews I cannot reccomend enough, but they've finally landed the big fish.  

Mr. Bernie Sanders has finally agreed to at least one interview!  He'd been turning them down for months now, the host's have guessed that he's concerned about appearing to not tow the party line, since Jimmy asks some real hard questions that could threaten to fully alienate him from the party... if he weren't already being excluded in everything, including name when it's convenient.  Jimmy's been begging Bernie to realise this fact, and just go all in.  He can't be denied what he's never been granted.  Better to Bern out than to fade away!

You HAVE to check out this show.  The past few weeks Jimmy's been interviewing the A list lefties.  



While I generally agree with his politics I found myself watching less as my time became more limited :/You know he's on steem yeah? @thejimmydoreshow

I do! Would you believe I only subbed to him like, literally yesterday? I've been putting off subbing for the entire time they started advertising steemit...

Actually I was shouting at him 'GET ON STEEMIT' before then too, as it happens!

Oh yeah? I usually listen to podcasts and YT whilst I work. I do tech, so I always have something running!

Yeah, normally I would have mpv playing over whatever I'm working on.
Idk if you linux, but most can keep windows on top of other windows :>
Example attached:

Still, only so much concentration and daylight.
I'm a hardcore follower of @davidpakman but I still took a couple of weeks away from watching him recently. Trump-Fatigue. Even hillary is way right politically to me so that would have been a burden.