So, Hello Errybynny
And especially a hello to Bernie, my beloved @berniesanders
I missed you so much, I mean I missed you so much that I came back just to say how much I have missed you, and how much my heart could not go on without your love and affection, and that one time we talked for like five minutes and I felt like the only girl in the whole wide world. I mean, I wish I could talk to you again, and forever and I want to say that if you are with anyone at the moment, I will find them, kill them and burn their body, so best you break up with them (:
I mean, we cannot have anyone touching you, now can we? Filthy hands all over you and things, how dare they
I love you so much, because you arre the best person in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD, and I adore the person you are and I mean, people are just stupid to not see the funny in everything you do.
I am still obsessed with you
My undivided, love
Now that is funny. Actually, I had forgotten about your unrequited love for @berniesanders.