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RE: Hitting Jeff Berwick and TDV Immigration in the Wallet

in #berwick8 years ago (edited)

The only redeeming quality of @dollarvigilante is the pretty sound investment choices they provide through their newsletter. From options, metals, and all currencies. They have all been pretty consistent winners for me.

Other than that, Jeff is petty and immature. He continues to make childish puns and jokes when ever he tries to have an "intelligent" talk about geo-politics and economics. i.e., Hillary Clinton--Killory, Pentagon--Pentagram, Barack Obama--Obomber, Education--12 years of government indoctrination camps (or some derivation thereof), etc...

He says that stuff all the time with a stupid chuckle as if he thinks he's clever and funny, when he's merely lowering any amount of credibility he might have as source of valuable information. How can anyone take him seriously? He diverges from facts and into name-calling, ultimately regurgitating the same stuff over and over again. You know who does that? The main stream media.