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RE: Hitting Jeff Berwick and TDV Immigration in the Wallet

in #berwick8 years ago

I am with you on this one. One can smell the TDV sleazy bullshitology from a mile away. He doesn't have an ounce of decency in his posts so I doubt that he is any better in his personal relationships.

The sad part is that his audience compromised mainly from Tinfoiled Muricans and rather hard to reason with.


Thanks for your support, Kyriacos. What's really unfortunate is that he's a "big shot" in the anarchist/libertarian movement. When his house of cards falls down, it will do a lot of harm to the movement.

It's been an uphill battle trying to convince others that Berwick is nothing more than a scamster. When his business ventures go south and millions of dollars are lost, someone else is always to blame. I contacted about a dozen speakers at his recent Anarchopulco event and most didn't care about the allegations I laid forth. They just want to ride the gravy train. It's pathetic and disgusting.

Berwick can perpetuate his schemes because most people simply give up after getting ripped off. Unfortunately for Berwick, I'm not the type of person that goes away easily. I'm ready to stick this out for at least 3+ years.

I stopped calling myself an-cap libertarian when I realized the charade this clown was leading.

I would advice anyone to stay away from the bleached sensationalist boy

Good advice, Kyriacos. I wonder how long before Berwick calls you a CIA plant.

He gives way too much credit to himself and dies for attention. He is an expert in selling a hype..especially for his brand.

kyriacos ellinas? are you greek? interesting story!