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RE: 📷Top Photos of The Day on BeScouted. January the 16th. Mild artistic nudity involved.📷

in #bescouted7 years ago (edited)

We are just starting out from a personal project with no resources available whatsoever up until now recently. It will improve, it will evolve faster now and we will consider all the feedback. We know the broken parts, steem api is not particularly well documented but we are getting there little by little and picking up the speed. I wish things were simpler but they are not, there are a lot of challanges to overcome, that often are not even visible to a user, nor should they be as it is our job to fix it. Just saying that we are doing everything we can to iprove the quality of the service and continue to do so. Please bear with us.
And there is no way that we care who wins Photo of The Day. It's for the community to decide but i think we will stop the upvotes on top photos until we find a way to prevent spam account creation and distribute those votes more evenly to all community members for now.