Canon 5D mark III + Canon EF 85mm f1.2
Lighting setup in comments.
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Canon 5D mark III + Canon EF 85mm f1.2
Lighting setup in comments.
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Simply stunning. Could be the cover of a magazine.
Thank You! :)
Canon 5D mark III + Canon EF 85mm f 1.2 @1/200 f8.0 ISO100
Main light: strobe with standard silver reflector (2m)

Fill light: strobe with standard silver reflector with blue gel (2m)
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Thank you for nice post.
You are welcome!
Amazing, i love the idea that you include lighting schematics in the shot, helps a lot? What program do you use to make one? I would add this to my images too!
Thanks! I use very simple to use.
Thanks, i will give it a try!
Good post! Visit our blog and see the latest news :D Greetings
Thank You! I will.