
I find it ... scary? ... funny? ...

If I were to put my examination glasses on and place the work of art under a mental microscope, I don't know what would come out of it. But it's kind of awkward in a way. A dark side of you?

Or my sensors are set up for a different kind of reception. You never know.

Examination glasses and mental microscope... ahm yes, that does sound a little scary 😇

Haha.. my dark side? You don't want to see it... This is my brighter side 🤓 ...maybe there is some... projection involved?? (giggle)

you bet it is:)) but that's what art often does, no?
Leaving with a big SMILE.

Hehe.. classic move! Wish I had such Examination glasses and mental microscope. I'm Sure I'd find something very interesting.... 😵

What for the lilly? Trying to lure another virgin Mary into following you, the moment that this lollipop puts her in a trance and she cannot escape from you? That big smile does not look so innocent :P

Hahaha... excellent interpretation and a pretty keen eye 😎
Since the task was to do a self portrait, I took the lily for a symbol of beauty, which I find important in my work and the lollipop is my "go" sign... in contrast to the "stop" sign 🛑 a lot of people hold up with every thought and dream they might have...

I think I like your version better now 😇

Hehe! My point of view considers you more of a "player" ;)

Another great artwork, that is so realistic that it leave me wondering if it is a painting or an actual photograph :)

People have told me that before.. good thing, I took some photos of the painting along the way ;-)
Here you can see, how I painted the form with white only on a red ground. In a second step I added the green-ish shadows in the skin areas..


So there is no doubt, that you qualify as a photographer perfectly. Subcategory would be: Art Photographer. And even more, your own Art photographer :)

Haha... ok, I'll be waiting for the category to pop up at BeScouted ;-)

What i meant is that you are very cool being in Photographer category :)

I know, was only kidding, and I truly appreciate your compliment :-)

You truly deserve it mate. More than many people that i know.

Great selfie :D

Thanks, yes... done the old fashioned way! Your photography is mind blowing!! 😵

I imagine that is the grin you wear on your face as you ride your motorcycle. =)

Hehe... that's it! Just have to be careful, not to collect too many bugs between your teeth 😀

Now the moth / butterfly makes sense.
Don't worry Reinhard, they're full of protein. =)

lol... all a matter of perception and attitude?

Leo, I thought you were vegan - you can't swallow bugs, you have the give them a heart massage to revive them!


Hate when my bugs are messed up with salad and stuff 🙃

Silence of the Lambs popped into my mind as well as bringing a smile on my face. Scary and comical at the same time. A rather unusual combination although it was probably not your intention and merely how I read it myself-
The lollipop was a nice touch.
Quality of the technique itself shines out as usual.

Phew... silence of the lambs? Didn't think my self portrait would be that scary 😉 Wonder if its the biker appearance or the "bug"... but in the end I'm rather harmless, as everybody can see 🤡

No offence lol - It was the moth that first caught my attention. I visited a friend of mine on Sunday and we watched that scary film. He had never seen it and we ended up watching it on Netflix. I suppose it was on my my mind.
I know you are more of a butterfly really : )

:-) no offense taken... interestingly enough, "scary" has been used several times and I was totally unaware, that my painting might have that effect.

In a way it proves what I always thought. To a piece of art, there is more than just creating it. The moment it is shown, and someone else is looking at it, an "exchange" happens and the viewer sort of compares or measures what he/she sees by their own experiences. A lot of people find insects yucky, so, maybe my happy bug gives them the willies.. even if I had a different interpretation in mind...

I agree, the same thing has happened with my own work several times. People had read into them things I never intended or even thought of.
But hey that´s fine with me. At least it had a reaction.
The British artist Frances Bacon once said that the worst thing that could happen would be if someone had NO reaction to his work.

Agree completely! :-)

Das sind solche Bilder, an denen man nicht so einfach vorbei laufen kann. Je länger ich es betrachte, umso mehr entdecke ich.
Wirklich großartig!

Freut mich sehr, wenn sich jemand die Zeit nimmt mal in meinen Bildern spazieren zu gehen.. wobei gerade Zeit hier echt ein Thema ist. Man kommt kaum mit, mit all den großartigen Dingen, die es hier überall zu sehen gibt....

Ja, je größer die Auswahl, umso stärker die Verwirrung. Aber es liegt an jedem User selbst, wo er Rast macht in diesem Labyrinth des "useful content". ;)

Lese mich langsam aber sicher durch einen sehr interessanten Blog über das alte Ägypten und lerne dazu sogar noch was über crypto und manch andere Dinge 😀

Are these the mechanical honeybees we will have to rely on if the European Honeybee (apis mellifera) goes extinct? They seem pretty happy to take over...

(Actually, did you see that episode of Black Mirror with the swarming mechanical bees?)

Lets hope it won't get to that point... although nano technology and KI will offer some big surprises sometime soon... Not familiar with Black Mirror though..

What is KI?

Black Mirror is a surprisingly good British program. I believe it's available on Netflix. Lots of the episodes seem especially Steemit-appropriate.

Oups.. slipped into German for a moment... Künstliche Intelligenz = artificial Intelligence

The program sounds interesting. Have to find out, where I can see it!

The luminence and variation here is what really captures me.

Thanks for noticing. In my humble opinion, luminence is the real strength of this particular technique :-)

Herrlich surreal, komisch und saugut! Ich steh' aufs "Zähne zeigen" :-)!

Liebe Grüße


Da sieht man mal wieder, dass wir Deutschen doch irgendwie einen eigenen Humor haben :-)

Absolut! :-)

nice work...i like your colors

Thanks a lot. Yes, this one came out pretty bright :-)

Lol, thank God you re wearing a helmet.

Yes, haha... safer that way :-)

Lol, thank God you re wearing a helmet.

Looks like we are all struggling to get our comments in.... 😜

Lol, seems the comment duplicated