Nice. I’m a die hard Canon fan myself, and I’ve had a long line of Canon cameras, both digital and film over the years. My current go to body is my 80D, which for telephoto work I pair with a 70 -200mm and 2x converter. With the 80D’s ASP-C sensor adding an extra x1.6, I end up with the equivalent of a 224-640mm zoom with only a modest loss of speed.
That is a nice set up you got there. Currently, my sensor on the 7D is starting to fail on me, which sucks because trying to get a new camera whilst I am working down in this part of the world is difficult. I am thinking about buy a 7D mark II and hopefully, my head office can get it sent to me in the next few weeks
hahaha! Currently, I guess I am team canon - I am shooting with a canon 7D with a 100-400mm lens
Nice. I’m a die hard Canon fan myself, and I’ve had a long line of Canon cameras, both digital and film over the years. My current go to body is my 80D, which for telephoto work I pair with a 70 -200mm and 2x converter. With the 80D’s ASP-C sensor adding an extra x1.6, I end up with the equivalent of a 224-640mm zoom with only a modest loss of speed.
That is a nice set up you got there. Currently, my sensor on the 7D is starting to fail on me, which sucks because trying to get a new camera whilst I am working down in this part of the world is difficult. I am thinking about buy a 7D mark II and hopefully, my head office can get it sent to me in the next few weeks