Thats a greta place to be away from the cold winter and what beautiful views and the detail in the shots right down tot he watch is spectacular
My Wife is similar to you with Flying I on the other hand it doesnt bother me at all which is good as I have clocked up far more hours in a plane than I want to try and count lOL
Those hours are probably the reason why you do not mind it anymore. We get used to all kinds of weird things lol
Yes, the detail continues to impress me the more i shoot :)
Yes it probably is when I first started flying I probably was nervous but that wore off,
I hope this dive in Steem price is just a bump in the road and it climbs again soon so I can have one of the A7r in the not to distant future
I am sure you will. Those bumps are only getting rid of week hands. I am sure we will see Steem price of 12-15 by June if not earlier. So you are definitely geting that Sony :)
Ohh yes I feel the same 😎👍