Thank you for posting @ned.
Appreciate the opppotunity to ponder these things and express thought.
Are the best things in
As long as mankind seeks freedom the things enjoyed in life are those that are of regulation...of censorship, etc.
To answer your query...yes,the best things in life are those that are free of regulation...of censorship...of government interference.
Ie. freedom of speech...of debate....flow of engress..egress
Example: As in the opportunity to post here at Steemit without the concern of data gathering...government interference...propagandizing etc....All very important. That is not to say there should not be policy as there should be....every organization has purpose, policy and chain of command..
Another way of answering the query.....would be a thing may be free of charge...but not free from somebody paid for it.
Example: Just as in the ultimate free gift...the gift of may be free to mankind but Christ paid the price. Salvation...secures ones eternal future...that surely is the best thing in life.
Thank you for all you do. We here at Steemit appreciate the opportunity to express thought freely.
Kind Regards, bleujay