TIL: Why We Fart

Farting is part of the human condition. We all fart, whether we want to or not.

What even are farts, anyway? And why do we do it?

What is a fart?

A fart is produced when gasses trapped in our body force themselves out through our butt.

The gasses are mostly pointless gasses like nitrogen and hydrogen... But a tiny percentage is sulfur. And sulfur stinks.

The vibrations of the rectum produces the distinctive sound of the fart.

But why tho???

Sometimes we swallow air, whenever we eat or drink... Probably when we burp on command, too.

I guess it has nowhere to go but out of one end or the other.

Fun Fact

Flatus is the medical word for gas generated in the intestinal tract. Medical literature describes flatulence as "flatus expelled through the anus". (medicalnews.com)

Image sources: 11, 2, screenshot of https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=fart&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8; Information sources:


Great post. Upvoted and resteemed. This information will make a huge difference in my life!

Best comment ever

Unless you're commenting on your own post. In which case this comment blows - but the post is pretty good.

Upvoted and resteemed ;)

I clicked on the post, and to be fair I wrote a story induced by writer's block today too. But your comment alone made the click worth it ;)

You actually did resteem it, okay that's even better.

to be or not to be

Wow, you have so much information! Where do you learn about all of this stuff?

What a great question! Thank you. I really cherish these questions from my many fans.

I didn't really have anything to say. But I wanted to post, so I was getting totally frustrated.

And then I farted. And I was like, "whoah! What even just happened?!"

And then I got to work. When inspiration strikes, you have to seize the day!

Oh my god - that is so funny and interesting! I thought you just watched a lot of YouTube videos.

My fans deserve better than that.

I needed to giggle, and what else are farts good for?

The sulfur is not directly a gas :) It is usually in the form of other gaseous compounds which contain thiols (-SH), and hydrogen sulfide; another smelly compound is the nitrogenous compound Skatole it is a large part of why some farts smell like "rotten eggs". Additionally farts smell like shit, because they literally contain nanoparticulate poop pieces. When you smell someone elses fart, you are physically breathing in a small amount of their poop. Gross.