
The #Whaletank transcription service has at least one added member: @chuckyfucky who will be translating to Spanish as well! So we might as well call it the #Whaletank transcription and translation service! This is great for spreading news about the projects being discussed here. Like @bitspark this can have a huge effect for say people in the Philippines. My transcript of the @bitspark talk gained a lot of attention and also some questions for the @bitspark team which I had to redirect to them!
Alex @alexpmorris created a java program to not only ease the merging of subtitles but positioning them and inserting speakers names and it can also create transcriptions out of the subtitles with links to speakers' accounts! I tested it and it works great.
Update: I also have a little suprise for you and it concerns marketing of our projects and BitShares. Stay tuned and please upvote and spread the word, thanks.
As for DECENT I had agreed on doing an interview with @jringo for which I'll hopefully find time later this week.
#beyondbitcoin, #whaletank, #growth-ideas, #transcript
Appropriate links to share?
-Multitrack recordings of the #Whaletank 226 talks last Saturday 30 Sept.
-Modo avanzado, transcripciones y subtitulos de tu charla #Whaletank Por @nutela
-Presentacion de video del Hangout de BeyondBitcoin Whaletank 226 30 de Septiembre , 2017 Editado por @SteemPowerPics
-Bitspark, remittance done right
-Translation services Ad Honorem
@Nutela, Mumble: Nutela
I'll be giving out coins for people who can help me transcribe, and if they wish translate the projects announced on the #whaletank. This we'll do together and we can even support the projects by sharing the author awards.
nut3l4 (NUT3L4). BitShares UIA: NUTELA

This is gold. I'm not sure if people will understand it all. But I'm sure some will. Please keep uploading this @africa this is like the Jesus of datasets for my biological brain neural network. ;)

please follow and up vote me @fakirafaruk

Boss nice post

Nice post . From temmy8284