[BeyondBit Bounties] Steemit Chronicles Mysterious Character FINISHED! [Rewards Worth up to 500 SBD!]]

in #beyondbitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Welcome back my fellow artists, designers and art-world-travelers!

This time BeyondBit and Steemit bring you a different kind of competition, one that I like waay more I must admit!

There are 600 Beyondbit Token (worth $500) in Rewards! So what are you waiting for? Sharp that pencil! Uncover that pen!! Connect that Wacom!!!

1st Place: 300 Beyondbit(@fuzzyvest)

2nd Place: 200 Beyondbit (@fuzzyvest)

3rd Place: 100 Beyondbit (@fuzzyvest)

Winners will be picked in 1 week!

Check the Winners of this competition here!

What is Steemit Chronicles

Many of you already saw the amazing project @sirlunchthehost is developing. Not one of them? Go there right now and check it out!!

We all have been spectators of the WhaleWars that been taking place in the past days. Many fallen, many united...
...and few others created a whole game from it!

@sirlunchthehost managed to create an amazing and very introspective old-school looking video-game that takes you through the WhaleWars and invites you to help to take the order back, or add more chaos into the World of the Crypto.

The script is really well made and the characters are as unique as every person from this community, literally!.

But we need more. We need something unique...

...We need YOU.

But before we get into the guidelines, I want to share with you where ideas like come from and take shape:

The Vision of Beyond Bitcoin

The Vision of BeyondBitcoin Hangout Series is to give communities a voice to speak about their favorite projects in the blockchain and disruptive tech space. But more than that we have always aimed to be community sourced and grass roots in a world where you have to pay to even be noticed within media. Though as we grow, the grass roots methodologies have some limitations, we believe that enabling scaling on an individual community basis unlocks scaling potential! For this reason @officialfuzzy and a small band of avid block-explorers have continued working on building tools to help communities grow. Because noone cares how great your blockchain tech is, if it has no community (or just as bad a disempowered and apathetic one), your cryptocurrency cannot flourish longterm.

With these tools the team started out enabling BitShares, then Steem, then WhaleShares and now are planning coverage of EOS and much more. But this means we need to enable more people and incentivize more crypto savvy content creators to be part of something they can belong to, help build and benefit from in a synergistic union. This is where you come in...

You are invited to participate in helping see this Vision Manifest

There are many tasks behind the scenes with coordinating initiatives, devising new conceptual designs for tools needing made and trying to support multiple communities. As Beyond Bitcoin and its allies grow so too will these tasks grow in number and size. However, these tasks do not even account for another kind of work that is often overlooked by those looking in from the outside--reading/responding to messages, coordinating to fix bugs, solving disputes between community members and the list goes on and on.

It is also inefficient to delegate all the work to one person. And as a team, these who we are now will not be able to forever shoulder the requirements of beyondbitcoin alone, so it only make sense to begin crowdsourcing work from qualified members of the community in areas where Beyondbit and WhaleShare tokens can help reward. They are quite powerful tools after all...even at a supressed Steem marketcap. But they are not nearly as valuable if we do not leverage them to mine the Gold from this Community!

I do this for community endeavors I believe are worth my resources. And BitShares Open Source Hangouts are chief among these priorities. Again...this is where people like you come in. ;)
Uncle @officialfuzzy

What are BeyondBits and WhaleShares?

Beyondbits give @officialfuzzy a power similar to the Whaleshares token we started thanks to delegation from @blocktrades. As whaleshares has quickly become one of the most vibrant and flourishing communities in cryptocurrency because of this token, it has become time for me to start testing a new token in preparation for "The Great Unleashing," when the whaleshares platform is open to multiple whales on Steem. So Fuzz can now begin giving my on personal upvote tokens to helpers in much the same way WhaleShares benefit the community. And since he has some whaleshares too, maybe we will see a few winners of those in here as well!

Come, my fellow artist! Get ready for the Guidelines!!


We are using 600 Beyondbit tokens to reward the top 3 Concept Designs for Steemit Chronicles!! The game that we believe that will be a great influence here and there! And so, what follows are the Rules of this competition:


Make a design for a character with the following guidelines:


  • Our character is not necessarily a human, but it's humanoid.
  • It has to give the feeling of an ethereal entity, but in this 3-Dimension world we are walking through.
  • I don t want to spoil anything here, but this entity must be a guide for us. So it shouldn't be within a dark spirit, but a spirit of joy and wisdom.
  • Must have a hood, its face shall be not visible.

Acceptable Formats:

  • .jpg
  • .png


  • Can be digital, traditional or/and photobash.


  • I think it's needless to say, but here we go: the image has to be your own intelectual property, your own creation. Stealing will be flagged.


  • This is a Design contest, so the quality of the artwork doesn't need to be super-high as long as the design is.

- Non-serious proposals won't be considered.


Post your creation on the comments along with a short description of what it means for you !


Resteem and upvote! Tell to your artist friends! Share the data! The more entries the better !! Everybody win!!!

STEP 4(Optional)

You can make a Post to Steem with a link to your uploaded content with the subject "My WhaleTank Promo Art" and Link to your post in the comments below!

BeyondBits are powerful tokens worth upvotes on Steem, but you need to use BitShares Wallet and follow the instructions on WhaleShares.Net! So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your steem posts!

Download BitShares Wallet



All BeyondBitcoin (EOS) content is powered by the Steem blockchain so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Participate on EOStalk.io to earn Steem and WhaleShares and BeyondBit tokens that pay you and make you trend with backing whales' upvotes!

This post and competition is powered by @officialfuzzy.

Thanks a lot for supporting the community in the way you do!.


Here's my entry: My character glows with an ethereal white blue light. His face glows so brightly under the hood that it is impossible to see his features. He wears the golden breastplate of Steemit which allows him immortality. In his hands he holds the eternal Steemit flame which illuminates and guides those who follow.

I have sketched an entry to the contest as it really sounded fun!

I created a "superhero mysterious creature" Please go to the link as I posted and still haven't learned how to add an image to comments. Ohhh my brain just realized how simple it was to add image. See still learning - just realized put the link - duh!

Anyway this is what came to me when I started thinking about a leadership character - blasting off with Steemit in the lead, representing Bitcoin on her belt - that to me just represents the whole Crypto World.



Forgot this... just upvoted and resteemed

My last minute entry! :)

My WhaleTank Promo Art - Guardian of the Chain

..:: * ::..
Original art by @jnart
..:: :: :: * :: :: ::..

Some days ago I saw "Steemit Chronicles Mysterious Character " by @anritco. What a great chance to practice two things I have never done before, make a complete character design and render a digital fantasy painting in Photoshop. I am so thankful for this journey I made today, extraordinary fun! Thank you @anritco for the chance whatever happens in the competition.

I am a great fan of creating alternative ways of learning and inspiring. There is lots to learn about blockchain and all the great platforms and tokens connected to Steemit. Even though I haven't had time to play Steemit Chronicles (yet) I am supporting the idea 100 percent. For me Steemit is a lot about sharing ideas and skipping some of our ego. Community and connection is needed on the internet and away from the keyboard. So let me introduce you to:

Guardian of the Chain

The competitions provided the following conditions: - Some kind of ethereal entity, but in our 3-Dimensional world - Humanoid - Should be a guide for us. Not with a dark spirit, but a spirit of joy and wisdom. - Must have a hood, no visible face

(I saw some of the other competitors guardians and tried not to duplicate them even though a staff and white cloak maybe resembles wisdom more, i.e. I tried add some new ideas. Another tricky one is how to make a joyful faceless ethereal entity ;)


The Guardian of Chain is the light you look into every time you turn on your computer screen. The light shining all over the great web. Travelling at the speed of light the Guardian of the Chain sees all and protects the chain from being broken. In every community there is rivalry and war but this entity has the Power to Link, connect tthe units together and ultimately if needed break them.

For the whole process see my post here.

Good job, but I wonder if you copied mine in some ways, when I look at it.

Thank you! Copy is a strong word :) I have got inspiration from many sources as you probably have as well, but not copying anything. I guess it is impossible to not end up with some similarities when designing a fairly narrow theme. As you can see in my sketches this was only one of many ideas and I ended up with this solution for the robe :) But thanks for your concern, it is never nice when you think someone is plagiarizing your stuff. That all the entries are shown ahead of the deadline is good if you want people to create new ideas which I think this one have shown. Although a closed entry process would minimize the risk of copying @anritco would end up with more lookalike entries.

Ok I see, sorry didnt want to offend you, just was a bit shocked and disappointed to see two very similar entries..

I'm really sorry that you interpreted it that way, and I could have checked once more before rendering that it didn't look to similar to other contestants. Good that you tell me what you think!

You stole my.idea with the upvote symbol on the breast, it is obvious, but ok - I learn from it and wait until the last second with my entries...

:) I haven't stolen anything. To use the upvote symbol is like the Steem symbol or a whale almost has to happen in a competition like this. And where to put it, on the leg...? I don' like being accused of stealing, which I haven't. We inspire each other and I hope we can do that instead of wasting energy on this.

Hey Nic, here is my idea for the "Ethereal Guide" character...



I gave an explanation of my thoughts on what the character "is" and how it would interact with users in my post.

If my concept/idea is chosen, I am 100% open to others helping to finalize the design to make it fit the game environment better than my pencil sketch :-)

Thank you for the opportunity.

Amazing concept @steempowerpics !! I love it ! And thank you for being so open to help others =)

Thank you Nic. Happy you like it. :-)

I love the creativity that contest with big prizes inspire. There are some awesome entries on this post. :)

So this is my mysterious character. There are some clues for who he could be, but nobody knows that exactly...


humanoid - check
3-Dimensional - check
Must have a hood - check
its face shall be not visible - check!

see more...

Now that s what I was talking about :D

Give @anritco what he was talking about - check! :)

This is really spectacular!! Thank s a lot for posting !!

Thanks I wish the fuzzys would see and like it too :-)

Good job getting honorable mention with me. I saw your note on jnart entry and see what you mean, it is a mix you yours and mine in "concept" + wings, but has a much more polished and finished look for inclusion in the game which is what caught anritco's eye. That is the risk sometimes in the art/photography contests, when we enter early - others have a whole pile of "inspiration" to pull from - pretty much a how-to guide for late entries. It gives them a chance to evolve the ideas into something better. That is why I always try to enter early - even if I don't win I know my idea (even if rough) came from me and were not influenced by other people's work.

He did comment to that in his entry post...

I saw some of the other competitors guardians and tried not to duplicate them even though a staff and white cloak maybe resembles wisdom more, i.e. I tried add some new ideas. Another tricky one is how to make a joyful faceless ethereal entity ;)

In the end you got "nod" with honorable mention. :-)

Yeah I know, I am totally disappointed....I think he just copied the Logo like I did it on the breast.... I would have needed this..... :-(

This idea is so amazing, this my entry, its a handcut collage 40/30cm


Hope you like it:)

I think is really nice how you took the concept of "face covered" in another way! Great job!!

Thank you very much, i believe it adds a little bit to the mystery and makes the face kind of " friendly":)

Hey, I was thinking something like this


Let me know what you think and I can make the changes accordingly

It's nice! I would recommend to make it without visible genre tho' =)

How about this? I liked the idea of a staff.

Seems really nice! Would you like to receive some more advices to make it even better? =)

Go for it!

How about adding some particular props, things that will be on the character and will make it very recognizable, an object, a feature, things like this =)

Such as Mario from Mario Bros has a hat with an M and the blue clothing against the blue =)

Hello @sirlunchthehost @fuzzyvest @officialfuzzy und @anritco. Here is one entry for the contest. The full image is to see in my post. Of course I have upvoted and resteemed! THANKS, Martin 😊


Really cool @art-universe !

Thanks. Here is the full image

Hey Anritco!

This is my idea of your guide character. It's time controlling and time travelling humanoid, ethereal entity and it's face is covered by hood with the cape.

In its hand it holds an amulet with the upvote sign. There is a hole in the amulet from where the whole time power comes. In its belly there's clock machine. The parts of the character are surrounded by the ethereal violet aura.

Unfortunately it's deep in the night right now and I'm out of the energy so I'm going to write a post with the whole painting process tomorrow.

By the way thank you a lot for your brushes, they are perfect. This is painted only by them.

I'll appreciate any of your ideas how to be painter like you!

This is very interesting @anritco, creating an Steemit Chronicles Character. So the character needs to be a spirit of joy yet it must have a hood and face must not been shown. It will be interesting to balance that. Will give this a try. Have a great day!

I ll be up to your design :D

Hi @anritco, see below my first experiment with the Steemit Chronicles Mysterious Character

The Eternal Guide ("The Guide")

A short description:

"The Guide" is a very mysterious being, no one truly knows where "The Guide" came from or whether "The Guide" is a human, humanoid or cyborg.

Besides from the cloak, the most notable feature of the "The Guide" is the mysterious symbol shown on the back of his cloak. Some see it as the number "31" which may mean that it is 31 years old? the 31st experiment? or the 31st creation, but no one really knows.

Coincidentally, the symbol which looks like the number "31" is also the Chinese character "引" which means "To Guide, or to Lead", and people thought that perhaps that is where its name comes from, but no one is entirely sure.

There are many unknowns with regards to "The Guide", but one thing for sure is that "The Guide" is not a being that enjoys battle and avoids it unless it is necessary, and if "The Guide" is your guide, you will not get lost but actually have a positive attitude and gain tremendous knowledge and wisdom

For more detailed information and the thought process of the design:

I will add more detail if there is more time. Have an great day.

Hey @apprentice001, your character came out pretty cool.

Thank you very much @steempowerpics! Your character is also amazing! Have an awesome day!

Holy macarena! This is amazing man!

Thank you very much @anritco! Glad you like it. Thanks for the kind words and it really means a lot to me. I enjoyed participating in this design contest and look forward to the next one. Have an great day!

I really wish I'd discovered this sooner! Truly awesome :)

This is my post with my character design for 'the Guide', hope you enjoy :) I'll post the painting here, the process and ideas are in the post itself



Hi @marty-art, thank you for posting your entry, I must admit that at the beginning I didn't understand the design you did... but then I saw your post and understood better what you tried to do.

My advice is to add some limbs or humanoid parts that will make it more recognizable, this way you will be able to show better the idea of the robed entity =)

Hey, thanks for your feedback! I understand and I'll see if I can find the time to rework it, thanks!

I am glad that your response was so positive! =))

Oops, I upvoted and ran away without properly replying there: no sweat!

Thank you for bringing this to the community!

Excellent Nic, you know I have to jump in on this :-) I will get something together soon.

Man this will be awesome. I love charakter design and know exactly what to do ;)

Im so excited abou this haha take a look at my first skech:


That's a cool guy @bronkong, but you need to follow the character guidelines...

Must have a hood, its face shall be not visible.

you are absolut right, i have to give him a hood! but his face isnt visible... i thought his face mask makes him mysterious...nobody see who he is, but he fight for freedom against the bad guys!

Sounds good, just wanted to make sure you didn't miss out because of a technicality :-)

jep, ...thx! :)

I really like your design @bronkong! But just as @steempowerpics said... we must follow the guidelines =)

Can't wait to see your design tho'!

I have worked on it...

What do you think? are these "modern clothes" ok?

I am sorry, but it is still not following the guidelines

Must have a hood, its face shall be not visible.


I want to make sure i understand it right before i will continue...Is ear a part of the face? What about hair? ...should the face by hidden behinde something or just not visible? Im unsure about the
Time the game play...so are these modern clothes ok or would be a garp better? ✌

correctly! ...It was just a sketch to give people who want take part a possible clue.

My Entry post is here.
When I think of an ethereal guide in the context of Steemit. I think of an entity whose soul is so powerful it cannot be contained in one vessel. When it comes to earth it needs 3 bodies to contain it or it might over load the blockchain. A 100% upvote from this entity could cause a blackhole.

This is an Amazing piece of Genuine Art!

You almost copied mine....

You accused other contestants above already...go away kid you're bothering me.

I am no kid and I didnt want to offend you, but it is true... Whatever maybe its just a synchronicity.

Upvoted and also resteemed :)

It's a pity that I just have seen this post 1 day before deadline @anritco although I'm following you ... I really would have given it a try... Maybe next time! 😉

You still can give it a try man! :D

I will. :) How long do I have time? I'm just sitting in the office and program things... Most people call it work 😂

This elemental and pragmatic fellow is sitting, observing and waiting for the right moment to impart a dose of enimgatic wisdom to the unwary traveller.

Inspired by the mysterious and charismatic @photo-trail who is a kind of a guide. Seen here with cloak pulled down, so you can get an idea of what's underneath the hood ;)

My entry: This hero drawn for the contest has no face, no name, is a hero born in a virtual world, an artificial intelligence that is able to travel through the networks, and its base is located in the deepest and most encrypted network , He acquired physical form transferring his artificial intelligence to a robot so that he can be in both worlds at the same time, his face is only a mirror that shows others his own being, and his great power is the steem power that is Energy that captures through the sun and concentrates it in a plasma ball.

Hi @anritco! I hope I have a chance even though I was in the last minute. I have to admit that I do not understand how to get a BitShares wallet. Can you help?

Good post, Thanks for share.