I just became really aware of whaleshares when a user named @stargarden contacted me about his contest that was for 150whaleshares yesterday. I guess he liked my Game of Thrones fan art and thought I was a good fit for the contest. Now that I did the work for the contest I am wondering… now what is this prize all about? Haha After reading your description… I don’t understand why his contest isn’t doing well with entries. 150 could potentially mean quite a lot if I understand correctly?
How would 150 whaleshares actually affect someone like me? Do I find a piece/post that I deem needs more attention and a whale drops a vote? Do whale votes get you on the trending tag or stuff like that?
I guess I would like a point by point – whaleshares for dummies type description for myself so I can better understand the full effect of a whaleshare. What would be the over all effect if someone had lets say 25 whaleshares. Can you hold them like a currency? Could you put all 25 whaleshares onto one post? The reason I am doing stargardens contest is because I want to hold me own art challenges/contests for the creatives on this site. So I thought if I had 150 whaleshares I could divide some of those up into prizes for other challenges I want to host. So this is a long winded way of saying if I had 25whaleshares as a prize… what would that do for the person that won that amount?
Approx 40 dollars worth of upvotes presently but in the near future more for reasons i cant get into (yet)
Ok, thanks -good to know. I appreciate the reply.