If we've got time, a TL;DR summary of this week's state of the network report?
TL;DR Summary:
- The week has seen the Bitshares DAC turn a profit!! Meaning that income was higher than its expenses resulting in a lower BTS supply and more funding in the reserve pool (Used to pay witnesses and development).
- BTS has been added to CHBTC, SZZC (Obits too) and Jubi.com
- This week has seen China dominate the trading markets with 67% of trade occurring in CNY instead of BTC.
- HERO News - In a recent release of AVANT GARDE Magazine (June 2017) a piece on HERO and its plans was covered.
- The total Smartcoin marketcap increased 62% this week to a total of 12.2 Million USD!
- The Bitshares market broke 1 Billion USD market cap this week, it has dropped back 10% from that mark and is currently sitting at 900 Million USD in 10th place on the coinmarketcap leader board; with a single Bitshares being work 35 US cents.
- @arhag has drafted a very comprehensive proposal to implement the 'account recovery' and 'locked savings accounts' to the Bitshares network.
- The multisig-worker-2017-01 refunded 6.4 Million BTS valued at 2.24 Million USD back to the reserve pool as the Proposal is now completed.
- SVK New version of the Bitshares GUI (v.2.0.170522).
- Bitshares has been added to the 'Coin Market App' available from the google play store for Android mobile devices.
- Ronny Boesing announced a partnership with Viewfin/Metaverse & upcoming ICOs.
- Ronny Boesing (CEO of OpenLedger) has announced an upcoming auction for the remaining OBIT.WARRANT assets.
- Peerplays network has launched and the GUI wallet has been released.
- The Bitshares Telegram group now has approx 1450 members!