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RE: Waiting to Pounce 🐆

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago

Yes sir I am also lit for 420 so consider follow back I see it as a great coin network for super fast transactions. But I still have all my chips on ethereum for the long run because I can see them taking over the majority of market share in the coming year(s)


ethereum is lord coin. its multi use tool kit is like the swiss army knife of crypto. The ideas and options are endless, and there for invaluable.

i made some money on lite coin about 3 weeks ago, and did some research to get a general understanding of what it is. but im not sold. other then being more convenient what else does it have going for it, or is that enough?

Just made 20$ profit off of three coins so im definitely gonna buy low again

20!? 3 coins at 43. so a 20% profit?! mannn good trade!

Bought for 111.08 sold for 130.35 CB charges an arm and a leg

CB will be a distant memory by the end of the year. unfortunately, after that bill was passed its going to be consistently more difficult. They passed a law through sheep, not enough people know what crypto is, how was it going to be stopped lol!!

Can you send a link what do you mean I never heard abt the law.

i wish it was as simple as finding a link. I just spent 15 minutes looking for an official link to the exact bill information. Its the anti money laundering non sense. We would be encouraged to claim any and all bitcoin at the border, and also making it more difficult for transactions on cb to even take place

I've been hearing a lot about LC recently. When I first got into crypto a few months ago, I saw a youtube video of a man talking on how hes selling his house to invest in LC. At the time I wasn't fully aware of the potential. I definitely plan on getting more involved with LC here soon. Hopefully I will be able to pick some up tomorrow. I don't think its going to be this cheap again.

Can you tell me please how how and where should I trade