IEBC Newsletter No 1. Vol 1.
Today we celebrate one month since the launch of the Insurance-Engineering Blockchain Consortium website We implemented a soft launch by way of a modest social media effort. Yet, the response has been wonderful.
Everyone agrees that a collaboration between insurance and engineering is a good idea, but the second most common comment that we got was regarding the depth and breadth of our advisory board. Our executive, technical, academic, and multi-disciplinary domain experience is truly impressive among blockchain consortia.
We see that trend extend also to our newsletter subscribers so far. Today, we have about 80 subscribers; a list that includes professionals in #FinTech, #InsurTech, and #EngTech. We have engineers, architects, actuaries, bankers, and attorneys. We have several major insurers, national infrastructure firms, international brands, forensic engineers, professional societies, insurance regulators, university professors in engineering, insurance, and law. We have journalists in insurance, finance, and blockchain on this list. We have cryptographers and blockchain development firms. There are a lot of people watching us closely interested in our next move. Let me assure that you’ll not be disappointed with what’s in store for 2017!
Trust as a Service
TaaS is becoming a familiar expression in the financial industry when discussing some arcane financial instrument hypothecated from some real asset and transacted by entrusting the blockchain protocol.
However, when the term is applied to engineers, it takes on a much deeper, intuitive, and ‘real’ feeling in people. Why is that? The true nature of trust is physical, personal, and alive at all times for communities of people. For this reason, we will be adopting “Trust as a Service” in our branding campaign for IEBC. For more information on this concept from the blockchain intersection, please watch this interview with IEBC Advisor Dustin Byington. It’s a natural fit.
Our intention for 2017 is to ultimately bring together industry leaders in InsurTech, EngTech, and FinTech around a set of goals and objectives for the first build. We will raise a modest amount of money to seed core operations followed by a more ambitious fundraiser to bring hard consortia members to the table.
We will continue the social media rollout adding some domain specific media in the mix as well as blog posts from IEBC advisors. We are currently recruiting task force leaders for a variety of initiatives. The best way to stay close to what we are doing is to become a stakeholder.
Join Early, Tweet Often
If anyone on the subscription list is willing to join the team, please contact me directly and we can discuss your participation as advisor, task force leader, or member. We would greatly appreciate if you forward, comment, and upvote any articles that you do see in social media by us. Please help us find more visionaries such as yourselves who would like to take part in this unique formation of interests.
Here are a few parting thoughts:
The words “insurance” and “assurance” are often used interchangeably, but they are quite different. Insurance is an arrangement by which a third party guarantees compensation against a specified loss. But assurance is the positive declaration that provides confidence in the ability to perform any task accurately and completely. Assurance is trust. Insurance is compensation for loss. Together, they sustain human productivity in an economic system.
I would like to thank everyone who has helped us over the last 18 months and to extend a welcome to the new visionaries who are joining us on this important project. May each of you have a wonderful Holiday Season.
Respectfully submitted;
Dan Robles, PE