This is my entry into the WhaleTank logo/artwork contest:

Meaning behind the Artwork
- The castle represents the imaginary unexplored ideas and in it no one will ever see them. The light is off inside because these ideas although bright are in the dark.
- The purple whale is emerging from the castle represents the ideas coming into the Whale Tank and getting bigger than the tank can handle. The purple represents the wealth of the whales in any environment
- The whale's flipper is hanging below the tank fitting with the idea and phrase "Think Outside the Tank"
- The bed of coins represent the different currencies and cryptos that when all pilled together form the ground for which WhaleShares, BeyondBits and Bitshares stand.
- The little fish represent everyone of different backgrounds contributing to the community to make it what it is today.
- The fish bowl as always represents transparency.
Other Designs
I also had some variations of simpler designs to share. These designs would have different purposes.

No Words Logo

Banner Style
I can add logos, edit words and customise depending on what is wanted just let me know.
Cool artwork! Maybe it's a bit too complex but it looks great :)
The brief did say promotional art, not logo. =)
My bad. Ty for the correction :)