
Project/Topic Name/News Piece

Apptrade- Apptrade crowdsale - Relevant Steemit Tag? #apps #investing #marketing

Appropriate links to share?

How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker: @apptrade on steemit. Ill download Mumble in a bit!

Introducing Apptrade: the stock market of apps founded by American entrepreneur Daniel Pineda. They intend to help developers leverage their app's exposure with collaborative funding and distribution through app portfolios. And diversifying risk for investors across a portfolio of apps. Apptrade intends to use Bitshare's blockchain to create and distribute tokens backed by app revenues.

eSteem project update!


I'll be there under the name 'yourship'..

Steem LIVE!VIRGROWSteemprentice

Appropriate links to share?
ANN: Steem LIVE!
Virtualgrowth market maker & VIRGROW
ANN: Steemprentice CrowdGuild

How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
SteemLIVE! Announcing live talk show hosted by the SteEMPOWERtwins!
Virtualgrowth VIRGROW token, Steemprentice - Mentor Initiative for all steemit users to help each other, Steemprentice New CrowdGuild project, & bitshare token.
#steemlive #virgrow #steemprentice Representative/Speaker: @steempowertwins, @virtualgrowth

Well, I will do the same as last week, that was good. I can be last again and just morph into the Afterparty hehe. It works well. Or not even as a guest, it's all good. I'll just be there is what I'm saying :P


SteemKURE site
SteemKURE - Now Online Post

You can find out more about it from those two links.

I love u. :)
You just gave me an early morning smile.

Hehe, thanks. I did the "Afterparty" yesterday, will be doing the "Beyond Bitcoin, Steemit/Steem and Bitshares Brainstorming Session" next. And I guess the other segments afterwards ;)

The Dawn Project

Our official site (soon receiving a major update)

Revealing some sneak preview pictures of our open-source router, and general updates on the Dawn project. #dawn #dawnproject Speaking today will be @faddat

Very exciting times on the rise, all for one and one for all! Namaste :)