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RE: This post will prove the key problems with steem: API, Stake-Weighted Voting, and "Propaganda Machine Echo Chamber"

in #beyondbitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Just let faddat actually get something done for once. Then make sure he actually did it instead of tricking some good, well meaning person into doing it for him (for little cash or free). Then I would CONSIDER listening to something he has to say. Until that happens I have no time for him shitting all over something acting like an expert.

Experts accomplish. They do not make long lists of excuses that never end and fake appreciate something while out the other side of their mouths putting it down all while saying they can do something better....if only you join them and drop your ENTIRE life to join him in some far off Eastern country. Everyone else gets to take the risk for faddat.

Like I said before I do not like having to do this...but sadly I am forced to by his persistent posts like this.