DONT MAKE EXCUSES why "its too hard".When faddat actually builds something finalized and working...ill be stunned. Sincerely hope he will stun me...but lets just say as i see all these other devs doing amazing stuff with steem in recognition that it is IN BETA, and hear faddats constant complaints...i really tend to believe hebwont build anything. Would i like him to prove me wrong? Well 90% of whatever he would build would have been my if he cuts me in and gives me credit for the idea when he has proven he can build it, great. I SEVERELY doubt anyone working with faddat is going to end up with anything but tears though. At least this has been my terrible experience i would have never had working with someone like @good-karma or @jesta. You know ....people who build what they say they will and
Oh and i have a pretty decent sized list of others who will back my claims , btw...cause it seems many have walked the trail of tears before me.