So here's what I've got so far...
Version #1: Simple, 2D logo. - A simple Share Bits logo with the share icon in the middle.
Version #2: A play on the BitCoin logo for Share Bits. - With the Share Bits name and the share icon incorporated into the logo. It also has a transparent background so you can add it to different colored backgrounds.
note: these are just ideas, not final products. I think these logos could go with the website, but it was a bit hard trying to create one without a specific pallette of colors. So to address that, I can make these logos any colors you want which makes them super flexible.
The Share Bits website could look a lot more professional. If you like, I'd be happy to help with it.
I would really appreciate any feedback, questions, and comments. Thanks for the opportunity, Share Bits! :)
Thank you very much for your work!!