It is time we had a New Global Financial System.
One that is NOT built on DEBT but one built on VALUE..!!
DEBT based Fiat Currencies and DEBT Based Capital Markets are soon to be replaced by BLOCKCHAIN based Currencies and Capital Markets.
The current Financial System developed from the 1970's just does not work anymore and it is time for a New Global System.
The current Global DEBT based Monetary System was always set to hit a ceiling and this ceiling has now arrived.
With Global GDP now stalling at $75 trillion against a Global Asset Value of $275 trillion it is now time to take a good look at Global DEBT.
Current Global DEBT now stands at $275 trillion but it is the Global Unfunded Future Liabilities of $750 trillion and Global DERIVATIVES at over $1,500 trillion that confirms that the current System has now run its course and needs a complete reset.
Maximum DEBT has been hit and further CENTRAL BANK STIMULUS and QUANTITATIVE EASING is now totally meaningless and will have NO EFFECT at all..!!
It is time for a NEW GLOBAL SYSTEM..!!
BLOCKCHAIN is set to provide the ENGINE for the New Global Financial System.
In the future DEBT Based Currencies will be replaced with BLOCKCHAIN driven VALUE Based CryptoCurrencies and DEBT Based Capital Markets will be replaced with a BLOCKCHAIN driven Derivatives Market.
The future is not tomorrow, the future was yesterday..!!
Thanks for reading and please feel free to share.
Basically, you're right, but the global financial reset is historically always preceded by war. Great war.
I hope you are right. The tide is turning and who knows what technology the elites are migrating to silently. It could be that the SDR becomes the world reserve currency and the blockchain tech is made illegal. But the will of the people is changing. It seems that the general public is waking up and beginning to question more. Maybe one day we will turn round and say, no, we are not taking any more of this bullshit.