Scripture to Scripture Bible Study #3: Signs of the Time (Bilingual 英文 - 中文)

in #bible7 years ago (edited)


Please click on the links to the Bible verses to find answers to the questions.

1 What question did Jesus' disciples ask Him?
Matthew 24:1-3
馬太福音 24:1-3

2 What sign did Jesus give first?
Matthew 24:6
馬太福音 24:6

3 What are three other signs from verse 7?
Matthew 24:7
馬太福音 24:7

4 In what condition will people on our earth be in the time before Jesus returns?
2nd Timothy 3:1-5
提摩太後書 3:1-5

5 How will Satan deceive many?
1st Timothy 4:1,2
提摩太前書 4:1,2

6 What did Danial predict about the end of time?
Daniel 12:4,10
但以理書 12:4,10

7 Will everybody believe these signs?
2nd Peter 3:3-10
彼得後書 3:3-10

8 What work remains to be done?
Matthew 24:14
馬太福音 24:14

9 What should be our attitude toward all these things?
Luke 21:25-28
路加福音 21:25-28

Photo by John-Mark Kuznietsov

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