If faith was enough for them...
Why are there doubts about Jesus’ existence?
Some people ask whether there is sufficient evidence to prove that Jesus of Nazareth actually existed. Decades ago, as John P. Meier pointed out, non-believers imply that Biblical evidence for Jesus is biased because it belongs to a theological text written by committed believers. What they wanted to find out is: Is there non-Biblical evidence for Jesus’ existence? Unfortunately, for non-believers, when Jesus resurrected from the dead, which is a miracle performed by Himself, He didn't leave any physical evidence because no corpse was left in the grave. He's alive!
What kinds of evidence are available?
There are four general types of evidence:
Real evidence (tangible things, such as a weapon)
Demonstrative (a model of what likely happened at a given time and place)
Documentary (a letter, blog post, or other documents)
Testimonial (witness testimony)
There was no debate about His existence in the ancient world. He has been a historical figure. Many have been written about Jesus by His detractors. He was referred to as the illegitimate child of Mary and a sorcerer, for example. The first historian who wrote about Jesus was Flavius Josephus. He wrote a history of Judaism around AD93 (Antiquities of the Jews) and referred to Jesus twice. One of these is controversial since it was allegedly corrupted by Christian scribes, possibly making a more positive account out of Josephus’s negative one. -But the second one is not suspicious. It referred to "James, the brother of “Jesus, the so-called Christ”.
Ancient Manuscripts
[Rylands P52 Manuscript]
Here's a fragment of a manuscript from the gospel of John.It belongs to John 18:31-33 as shown in the picture above.
John 18:31 New International Version (NIV): Pilate said, “Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law.” “But we have no right to execute anyone,” they objected. This took place to fulfill what Jesus had said about the kind of death he was going to die. Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?”
By Pe-Jo - Own work, Public Domain.
A Roman historian senator named Tacitus’ mentions a “Christus” who was executed by Pontius Pilate, in his last major work, Annals. Tacitus’ brief reference to Jesus adds to the historical information of Jesus’ death written in the New Testament. Robert E. Van Voorst says that the extremely negative tone of Tacitus' comments on Christians and Christianity makes the passage a very unlikely forgery by a Christian scribe. Boyd and Eddy also state that this historical reference from Tacitus is now widely accepted as a non-Biblical confirmation of Christ's existence and crucifixion.
An Important Teaching That Conforms to Reality
Even the apostles have acknowledged that many people had misbeliefs about Jesus even in their time. However, for believers, his teachings are genuine enough to positively influence humanity. Believing in God and following His doctrines through the teachings of Jesus can make such a huge positive impact in the lives of many, that it’s enough to erase any doubts about his very existence.
Luke 9:18 says:
Once when Jesus was praying in private and his disciples were with him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, that one of the prophets of long ago has come back to life.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered, “God’s Messiah.”
Here is one of Jesus’ teachings and proof, at least that the teachings were real and relevant in the time of their writing.
Archeologists found Roman coins which were accounted in Matthew 22:17-21.
Tell us therefore what thinkest thou? Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites? Show me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.
This boils down to paying taxes whenever it’s due but what’s remarkable is the physical evidence, the coins, have been found, supporting the belief that Jesus actually existed and taught this doctrine.
This is a copy of the inscription found at Caesarea Maritima during an excavation led by Italian archaeologist Dr. Antonio Frova. It connects Pontius Pilate with the reign of Tiberius. Pilate held office from A.D. 26-36. He was in a position to defend their leadership from perceived political threats, including Jesus, who's then known as the King of the Jews.
There is enough historical evidence that support the existence of Jesus, Caesar and Pilate. If Christians were to exaggerate and forge miracles, it would be another point of discussion, but at least, these evidence serve to strengthen the faith of some people who possibly hava doubts about the existence of Jesus or have been exposed to anti-Christian teachings or beliefs.
Even Atheist historians admit that Jesus was a real person. They admit the problem of, how Jesus showed himself to over 500 people for 40 days and not one person was recorded as saying this was false. On top of that, the Apostles were willing to die for Him, and some of them did die preaching the Gospel. Who does that knowing it's a lie?
Thanks for ur illustrative educative post.... Wish u a joyful easter in advance
Some people believe in Jesus spiritually and don't even know he actually lived. Good post. Thanks.
Hopefully this post bring awareness to some people
You are really genius. your post is really really informative, i am awitring for next.
I am no genius it was written on bible
Es indudable la existencia de Jesús, a tal punto que su muerte dividió la historia!
Jesus really exist
Thank you for sharing this important information for those who ask for proof about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Apologies, my English is not very good, my native language is Spanish. I await your next publication. I follow you. Regards!
Thanks for reading
Yes there is enough historical evidence that support the existence of Jesus, still there is doubt, just because doubting is natural in human @hiroyamagishi
Doubting is Human Nature. Even Jesus, the man, had his doubts while dying on the Cross. Why have you forsaken me?
The forsaken is the man nailed on the cross while his bearing all of our sins on the cross
Those that do not believe.
I may call it ignorance maybe this post can help the some atheist to reverse their mindset
All Muslims believe in Jesus Christ as a prophet and believe he will be reincarnated. Humans have a tendency to get caught up in everyday life with work bills etc and we stray away from religion and the origins of who we are and why we are here. Believing we came from apes sounds so much more believable???
Ape thing is nothing but a myth that created by man who wants to be an overnight popular by creating baseless things that even science doesnt support. I believe in the word of God that a man came from the dust of the earth not from apes
Agree. There seems to be an agenda which is pushing forward science to push people away from religion. I'm not bothered what religion people follow because the cores of all religions are the same peace love respect are just the fundamentals of all recognised religions. However they keep pushing forward all the scientists and so called geniuses that have the same message no god. Einstein, Newton, Hawkings are all the clever yet none of them believe in god. Tesla one of the most underrated humans that ever lived never talked about yet even Einstein believed he was awesome. Never talked about in schools major book because the guy believed in god and was god fearing
Hmmmm! ,I'm speechless. I need to talk with you personally if you don't mind.
sure my friend. you can check the link to my telegram on my profile you can DM me
This is what I really need this Holy Week. Thank you @hiroyamagishi for sharing this simplified and easily understandable evidence that supports that Jesus exist. Indeed he does exist based on historical evidences outside the Holy Bible... Again, Thanks for this.
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i am from australia and this is the latest from Oz media http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-29/jesus-wasnt-white-he-was-a-brown-skinned-jew/9600402
organised religion is a dangerous place for your soul to dwell because it is all doctored.
if you didnt know already, the world we live in is a lie, and edit "organised" religion is at the heart of that lie.
hahahahah..you make me laugh ..have you ever asked yourself how you came into this world..
i have asked myself and a myriad of entities that very question whilst traveling the void , maybe unlike yourself who was only told what to believe, i don't know, as I don't know you. You got your answer.
I found Die Antwoord.
there's a lot we get scared to face, may be because we feel safe in our beliefs... but believe me I have personal experience to really show he exist and is alive.. and I know even in your ignorance of him, he still loves you
ok cool, thanks. im glad somebody does. i never made any comment regarding whether jesus did or did not exist, or is alive or dead, only that organised religion is a manipulation of faith for nefarious means.
it is the apathetic's handing over their own spiritual responsibilities to god knows who.
the lazy mans quest for enlightenment.
that's coz you have seen people using to xtort others or manipulate them
Well I guess everyone has seen religion and atheism do horrible things. So I guess we can eliminate religion and atheism, and just say that Humans do abhorrent things in general, like manipulate and back stab other humans for personal gain.
And then just expand that out to abhorrent like minded Humans getting organised, and imprisoning other Humans inside their own feeble minds, setting up systems to control masses like cattle, starting wars, trafficking people, etc etc, you know all the horrors.
What if I told you that this Realm we exist in is actually the afterlife? That it is supposed to be Heaven? But it is only heaven for a very small percentage of the population, and their pathetic method for obtaining their Heaven is drain the life force, the hopes and dreams, the souls of others? Like a Wraith or a Succubus?
You wouldn't believe me anyway, so there is no point telling you that ;)
Oh and I am not a test tube baby, I came into this world via a Womb and vaginal passage, better known as the Devils Anus lol
funny you....happy Easter any way
Happy Easter.
It had some humor in it but it is essentially correct. Women are the Devil, they were created as a temptation for Man. Satan is a Fraud, Women are all too real, don't get them angry, you wouldn't like them when they are angry lol.
The sooner Women realise this the better , or we have Hell on Earth, oh wait we already do.
The sooner Men remember this and work with Women, and not degrade them by grooming children for sex and creating disgusting derogatory hardcore incest porn, the sooner we can realise our full potential as a United Earth.
My God - The Goddess, maybe not for too much longer. Notice how heaps of Men are just turning Gay? Not that theres anything wrong with that :O
"Hesiod writes, "From her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no helpmeets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth" (590-594)."
if he is the son of god , would he be talked about during his life time and mention and sources outside the bible during that time?
good analysis with evidences.. very nice @hiroyamagishi... this should help some people who still have doubts to believe
really love the part which talked about how following the teachings of Christ Jesus influences humanity positively .. I guess that's enough evidence @hiroyamagishi
Thank you for sharing this important information
Hermoso post amigo, gracias por compartirlo.
Jesus could be a very nice guy who helped many and that is how the stories of the grateful people traveled to the next village, and the next... In time peoples imagination got wings. Even now there are people that perform magic and have superpowers. Who knows who he was...
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Great blog post! liked it. Upvoted & Followed
I don't doubt that there is an "historical Jesus".
The spiritual Jesus, that may have differ, depending on the sects you are in.
What about prophesies that came true as evidence?
Good work. Upvote for You
I liked this post, very interesting. It would be good to translate to spanish for latin American community. God bless you!
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